
Kali is a ferocious form of the Divine Mother, who sent her Shakti,
the Mother Gauri, to free the gods from the dominion of the demonic
forces Shumbh and Nishumbh. Kali is the goddess of time and of the
transformation that is death. Kali also is the Kundalini energy that
paralyses the attachments produced by the solar and lunar currents (both
The Hindu goddess Kali is the first of the ten Mahavidyas - the
others are Tara, Shodashi, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhairavi, Chinnamasta and
Dhumavati, Matangi, Kamala and Bagla Mukhi. Therefore Kali is also known
as Adya, the firstborn. In the ignorant ones she creates fear, while for
others Kali removes the fear of death.