Religious Mantras

Bija mantra means seed mantras. First we should understand what is Bij? The word Bij means a seed and a seed mantra is generally of one syllable, it is also known as the root mantra. A seed letter is known as a Bija-akshara. The concept behind the Bija mantra is that, when a seed is sown it grows into a fruitful tree, in the same manner the pronunciation of a Bija mantra produces powerful effects called Shakti. Each Bija mantra has it's own power and significance and when pronounced with religious mantras brings in extra power to the existing mantra. Bija mantra is also beneficial for meditation.
Diety Name |
Advantage |
Ham |
Agni Tatva |
Is used for getting the Siddhis and eliminating ailments. This mantra is used for activating the Akash Tatva [space element]. An activation of all the elements leads to an awakening of the Kundalini and makes all the supernatural powers accessible to the Sadhak. |
Ram |
Agni Tatva |
It is related to that element which activates the Agni Tatva[fire element] which gets us Siddhis and eliminates all ailments. An activation of all the elements makes all the supernatural powers accessible to the Sadhak and leads to an awakening of the Kundalini. |
Hleem |
Bagalamukhi |
It is mainly meant for protection from all enemies, fierce powers, realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi and attainment of victory and fame. It eliminates Tantra Badha and paves way for all round success. It also creates a strong base for Bagalamukhi Sadhna. |
Bhram |
Bhairav |
This mantra is meant for success in Shakti Sadhna, protection, strength, wealth, health, fame, happiness, success in Shamshan Sadhna, elimination of enemies and all round success. This mantra enables one to realise Lord Bhairava and also creates a strong base for other Bhairav Sadhnas. |
Hreem |
Bhuvaneshwari |
For getting everything but not limited to Kundalini Jagran. It is meant for realization of Goddesses Bhuvaneshwari. It is the best and the most powerful, also makes a strong base for all sadhnas. |
Kreeng |
Chamunda |
Meant for realization of Goddess Chamunda, protection from tantra attacks and black magic, protects health, strength. Eliminates enemies also creates a strong base for Chamunda Sadhna. |
Doom |
Durga |
It is meant for attainment of strength, power, protection, wealth, victory, health, knowledge and wisdom. It helps in realization of Goddess Durga. It eliminates enemies and creates a strong base for other Durga Sadhnas and Shakti Sadhnas. |
Dhoom |
Dhoomavati |
Meant for realization of Goddess Dhoomavati, for attainment of fortune, strength, health, wealth and all round success. Helps in elimination of all adversaries. It also creates a strong base for Dhoomavati Mahavidya Sadhana. |
Gam |
Ganesha |
Meant for realization of Lord Ganesha, attainment of wisdom, knowledge, fortune, protection, happiness, wealth, health, business luck and elimination of all obstacles and for all round success. It also creates a strong base for other Ganesha Sadhnas. |
Fraum |
Hanuman |
It helps in attaining unlimited strength, power, wisdom, happiness and protection. It eliminates evil spirits and ghosts, brings in victory over enemies and all round success. It helps in realization of Lord Hanumana and also creates a strong base for other Hanuman Sadhnas. |
Kaleem |
Kamraj |
Meant for realization of Lord Kamraj, enables to fulfill one's desires and creates a strong base for other Kamraj Sadhnas. |
Dhham |
Kuber |
Meant for realization of Lord Kuber, helps in massive monetory gain, business luck, wealth, good luck and all round success. It also creates a strong base for other Kuber Sadhnas. |
Shreem |
Mahalaxmi |
For realization of Goddess Mahalaxmi, material gains, wealth, success in business or profession. Helps in elimination of ailments and worries, protection and all round success. It also creates a strong base for other Mahalaxmi Sadhnas. |
Kreem |
Maa Kaali |
Meant for realization of Goddess Kali, attainment of strength, health, elimination of enemies, removal of black magic and Tantra attacks, has solution to grave problems and has ways for all round success. It also creates a strong base for Kali Sadhna. |
Kshraum |
Narsimha |
It is meant for quick victory over enemies, eliminating enemies, for realization of Lord Narsimha, for all round success and fortune. It makes a strong base for other Narsimha Sadhanas. |
Ksham |
Prithvi Tatva |
For activating the earth element [prithvi tatva] which enables us to get siddhis and eliminates the related ailments. This leads to a quicker activation of Kundalini and makes all supernatural powers accessible to the sadhak. |
Aim |
Saraswati |
It is meant for gaining wisdom, knowledge, success in exams, pleasure and success in all fields and also for realization of Goddess Saraswati. It also creates strong base for other Saraswati Sadhanas. |
Tam |
Shanti |
It helps in getting rid of worry, fear, disease, illusions and helps in attainment of peace of mind, peace in family, at work and helps in getting relaxation. |
Horum |
Shiva |
Is meant for realization of Lord Shiva, protection from immortality, attainment of moksha, protection from deadly diseases. It creates a base for Mahamrityunjay Sadhna. |
Treem |
Tara |
For realization of Goddess Tara, helps in gaining unlimited wealth, monitory gain, fame, happiness, fortune, all round success and victory. It also creates a strong base for Tara Sadhana. |
Yam |
Vayu Tatva |
Meant for activating Vayu Tatva [air element] in us which helps us in getting siddhis and eliminates all the ailments related to this element. It leads to an activation of the Kundalini and makes all supernatural powers accessible to the Sadhak. |
Dam |
Vishnu |
Meant for realizing Lord Vishnu, attainment of wealth, health, protection, happy married life, victory, happiness and all round success. The mantra also creates a strong base for other Vishnu Sadhanas. |